If you're a man with diabetes, there's good news and bad news for your sex life. The bad news is that men with diabetes are three times more likely to suffer from sex-related problems than non-diabetic men. The most common sexual problem is erectile dysfunction or ED, sometimes called impotence. The good news is that ED is once […]
In today's busy world, sometimes we don't have time or desire for SEX. Often not even on the speedometer. That's why it's good to plan sex with your partner in advance. Plan a day and time to have sex. 1. In today's busy world, sometimes we don't have time or desire for SEX. Often not even on the speedometer. That's why it's good to have sex with your partner [...]
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common in men. The increase in erectile dysfunction increases with age, from 5% in men aged 20 to 75% in men over 65. The cause of erectile dysfunction in men is usually a decrease in the blood supply to the penis or it is an injury to the nerves that are responsible for the erection mechanism. In 1998 […]
Viagra, which has the same active ingredient as Kamagra, can lead to increased arousal and lubrication in women, according to a study published in the Journal of Urology. Kamagra is an alternative form of Viagra that is manufactured in India and the effects of both drugs are similar. Kamagra and Viagra have been used in the past to treat erectile dysfunction in men. A study on the effects of Viagra [...]
Kamagra pills have found their primary use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. They have been approved by researchers around the world, including patients who have diabetes mellitus. Kamagra pills have found their primary use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. They have been approved by researchers around the world, including patients who have diabetes mellitus. The effectiveness of Kamagra gold is higher if you take it on an empty stomach. […]
Little is said about these problems because it is embarrassing or even humiliating for people to confide in their partner, family or doctor about their problem. Yes, we are talking about erectile dysfunction! Sooner or later, every organism stops producing male hormones. Now imagine your current situation. Stress at work, stress at home, stress at the bank... Everyday omnipresent [...]