Kamagra for women

10 tipů pro lepší sex
Viagra, which has the same active ingredient as Kamagra, can lead to increased arousal and lubrication in women, according to a study published in the Journal of Urology. Kamagra is an alternative form of Viagra that is manufactured in India and the effects of both drugs are similar. Kamagra and Viagra have been used in the past to treat erectile dysfunction in men. A study on the effects of Viagra on women, led by Dr. However, Jennifer R. Berman, co-founder of ucla's Center for Women's Sexual Medicine, revealed that it can be used to treat various types of sexual dysfunction in women. Test results showed that women in menopause and those who had undergone hysterectomy benefited from taking these drugs. It was concluded that women who suffered from sexual excitability disorder could have an improvement in their sex life after taking Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra and Kamagra. However, we do not recommend women to use Viagra or Kamagra regularly! For women, Lovegra was specially developed, also known as Kamagra for women.
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